Shin-Ming Cheng 鄭欣明

Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Deputy Director-General,
Administration for Cyber Security,
Ministry of Digitial Affairs


Shin-Ming Cheng 鄭欣明

Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


  • 2021: CISC 2021 (第三十一屆全國資安會議) Best Paper Award, paper title: 對抗惡意軟體分類器的後門攻擊
  • 2021: CISC 2021 (第三十一屆全國資安會議) Best Student Paper Award, paper title: O-RAN架構調查及其安全問題之實務探討
  • 2020: IEEE Trustcom 2020 Best Paper Award, paper title: Cross platform IoT-malware family classification based on printable strings
  • 2020: CISC 2020 (第三十屆全國資安會議) Best Paper Award, paper title: 透過惡意基地台功能容器虛擬化來實現信令偽造攻擊平台
  • 2019: Excellent Young Scholar Project (優秀年輕學者研究計畫), project title: On Exploiting SDR to Investigate 5G virtualized RAN Security (利用軟體無線電研究5G虛擬無線電接取網路之安全), MOST
  • 2017: IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight, paper title: Traffic-aware patching for cyber security in mobile IoT
  • 2016: Excellent Teaching Award (教學優良獎), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 2016: Excellent Young Scholar Project (優秀年輕學者研究計畫), project title: Implementation of Experimental Platforms for Virtualization in 5G Radio Access Networks (實作5G無線電存取網路虛擬化之實驗平台), MOST
  • 2015: NI Engineering Impact Awards (NI 應用徵文競賽), paper title: Implementation of load balanced Multi-RAT systems using USRP (應用USRP實作Multi-RAT系統負載平衡), NI Taiwan.
  • 2014: K. T. Li Young Researcher Award (李國鼎青年研究獎), Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM) and ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter (for the contribution of wireless communications and networks).
  • 2014: Best work, Ideastorming Project, NSC (前瞻概念設計計畫 年度最佳作品), project title: Design of Self-Organized Buoy Base Station for Marine Emergency Communications (支援海上緊急通訊之自主性漂浮基地台的設計).
  • 2013: Young Scholar Research Award (年輕學者研究獎), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 2013: IEEE PIMRC 2013 Best Paper Award, paper title: A lower bound on multi-hop transmission delay in cognitive radio ad hoc networks (IEEE PIMRC 2013 received 1434 submissions, and finally has 700 accepted paper, only 3 of them award best papers).
  • 2012: IEEE COMSOC Technology News, paper title: Smart attacks in smart grid communication networks.

Security and Software Contests

  • 2021: 資安組第一名, 2021大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽, work title: ML模型病毒的雙層快篩
  • 2021: 資訊應用組五第二名, 2021大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽, work title: 結合虛擬化IoT的軟體安全開發流程
  • 2021: 資安組第三名, 2021大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽, work title: IoT天眼:Lightweight Malware Detector
  • 2021: 展露頭角獎, 110年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2020: 展露頭角獎, 109年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2020: 資安組第一名, 2020大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽, work title: IoT 防禦系統:動態替身監控術
  • 2018: 第二名與展露頭角獎, 107年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2017: 第二名與潛力無窮獎, 106年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2016: 第一名, 105年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2016: 獲邀參加杜拜設計週之Global Grad Show, work title: Blind Guide
  • 2016: The 1st Prize (全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽 資工通訊群 第一名), project title: 雲端點滴監測系統, Ting-Yu Lin
  • 2016: YSED Award 育秀盃 佳作, work title: 原來我在這, MiTAC.
  • 2016: YSED Award 育秀盃 佳作, work title: 雲端點滴監測系統, MiTAC.
  • 2016: Best College Project Award (最佳專題獎), project title: 雲端點滴監測系統, Ting-Yu Lin, Departement of CSIE, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 2015: 潛力無窮獎, 104年資安系列競賽金盾獎
  • 2015: Jury Prize, Mobileheros Software Contest (通訊大賽 評審團大獎), work title: Sign Language Translator (手語翻譯君), Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Industrial Award, Mobileheros Software Contest (通訊大賽 企業獎), work title: QPAY, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Outstanding Work Award, Mobileheros Software Contest (通訊大賽 佳作), work title: Petit, Poseidon, and DataVroom, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • 2015: The 3rd Prize (展示科技校園創意工作坊 第三名), work title: PVO Eyewear, Exhibition Display Technology SIG.
  • 2015: Best College Project Award (最佳專題獎), project title: 自己的路由自己做, Kai-Ching Wang, Departement of CSIE, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 2015: Silver Medal, YSED Award (育秀盃 銀獎), work title: LifeTie, MiTAC.
  • 2015: The 2nd Prize, College Cloud Application Contest (全國校園雲端創新應用大賽 第二名), work title: 校園生活一點通, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
  • 2014: The 3rd Prize, Mobile Terminal Application Contest (行動終端應用軟體創作專題競賽 第三名), work title: Marine Emergency Communication APP (海上緊急通訊平臺APP), Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
  • 2014: Outstanding Work Award, Getfresh Software Contest (搶鮮大賽 優秀獎), work title: Marine Emergency Communication and Positioning System (海上緊急通訊暨人員定位系統), Industrial Development Bureau, Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • 2014: Outstanding Work Award and Industrial Award, Mobileheros Software Contest (通訊大賽 優等獎暨企業獎), work title: Automatic Roll Call System (無線自動化導遊點名系統), Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.
  • 2014: Silver Medal, College Software Content (大專院校軟體創作競賽 銀牌), work title: Emergency Communication Systems for Relief (救災臨時通訊系統), Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

Entrepreneurship Competitions

Student Grants and Awards (received by students under my supervision)

  • 2022: Jr-Wei Huang, Best Master Thesis Award (賴溪松教授碩士論文獎 優等), thesis title: Discovering Authentication Bypass in IoT Devices through Guided Concolic Execution, Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan.
  • 2022: Liang-Bo Ouyang, Best Master Thesis Award (碩士論文獎 佳作), thesis title: Robustness Evaluation of Graph-based IoT Malware Detectors Using Code-level Adversarial Attacks (使用原始碼層級具有可解釋性的對抗式攻擊評估基於圖惡意程式檢測的強健性), Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM), Taiwan.
  • 2020: College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: ARM 架構設備之虛擬化與資安測試, 2020/7/1-2021/2/28
  • 2019: Bing-Kai Hong, 4-years Excellent PhD Scholarship (培育優秀博士生獎學金), MOST
  • 2016: Zhi-Yu Yang, Best Master Thesis Award (碩士論文獎 佳作), thesis title: Mode Selection with Uplink for Device-to-Device Communications in Underlaying cellular network (具D2D能力之Voronoi鑲嵌蜂巢網路下的模式選擇), Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM), Taiwan.
  • 2016: Yen-Chun Liu, College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: 利用路由器對周遭WiFi熱點及IoT設備進行安全自動偵測, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
  • 2016: Wei-Kai Tseng, College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: 點滴監測系統上BLE一對多連線之適應電量控制機制的設計與實作, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Meng-Hsuan Sung, Best Master Thesis Award (碩士論文獎 佳作), thesis title: Performance Analysis of Epidemic Routing with Reception Guarantees in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks (在間歇連結移動網路下提供傳輸保證之感染式路由的效能分析), Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM), Taiwan.
  • 2015: Kai-Ching Wang, Research Creativity Award (大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎), project title: 網路爬蟲之資料安全偵測與防禦, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • 2015: Jia-Jhun Lin, College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: 實作以SDN為基礎的安全稽核與網路管理, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Kai-Ching Wang, Candidate of Best Student Paper Award (入選最佳學生論文獎), paper title: Detection and defence of network crawlers (網路爬蟲的檢測與防禦), Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2015 (CISC 2015).
  • 2014: Nien-Tsu Chou, Best Master Thesis Award (碩士論文獎 佳作), thesis title: Modeling and Analysis of Handover in Mobile Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Perspective (以隨機幾何的觀點來模型化與分析行動電信網路上的交手), Taiwan Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (TIEEE), Taiwan.
  • 2014: Kai-Ching Wang, College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: 網路爬蟲之資料安全偵測與防禦, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
  • 2013: Jing-Lin Wang, College Student Participation in Research Projects (大專學生研究計畫), project title: 透過WiFi-direct實作Device-to-Device通訊, National Science Council, Taiwan.
