CS2002302 & EC2002302: Data Structures

10:20~12:10, Monday & 11:20~12:10, Wednesday


Instructor: ³¯«a¦t



Date Syllabus Memo
9/2 Course Overview
9/4 Program, Algorithm & Recursion
9/9 Performance Analysis HW0
9/11 Advanced Analysis
9/16 Arrays & Stacks TA: ­ð¤_µx(Master Method)
9/18 Prefix, Infix and Postfix
9/23 Queues
9/25 Trees
9/30 Linked List & Binary Tree Traversal HW1
10/2 Binary Search Trees
10/7 AVL Trees TA: ³¯«³¨Ý(Binary Tree Traversal)
10/9 Red-Black Trees
10/14 Splay Trees HW2
10/16 B Trees
10/21 B+ and 2-3 Trees
10/23 Huffman Tree & Searching HW3
10/28 Midterm Exam
10/30 Bubble, Insertion & Tree Sorts TA: ®}ªY»ö(Huffman Tree)
11/4 Break Attending Rocling 2024
11/6 Disscusion on Midterm
11/11 Selection, Merge & Shell Sorts
11/13 Quick and Radix Sorts
11/18 Binary Heap, Heap Sort & Heap Variants
11/20 Undirected & Directed Graphs HW4, TA: ³¯«Û¾§(Heap)
11/25 Advanced Graphs
11/27 Minimum Spanning Trees
12/2 Shortest Path Algorithms
12/4 Graph Traversal Algorithms
12/9 Hash Functions
12/11 Collision TA: ³¯«³¨Ý(Hash)
12/16 Final Exam